just cats….

The other day, i dropped my phone in my morning cup of tea… it didn’t like it.  So, a new phone was procured and the tea-drinking phone was donated.  But, before my old phone went on to bigger and better things, I was able to retrieve the photos stored on it ~ I’d taken 742 pictures… 642 were of the cats.  What?  Are you saying that seems like a lot of cat pics?  Well….  you’re right, that is a lot, so I’m sharing the wealth and passing these on to you.  Enjoy!


“ha ha ha ha ha!!” ~otis

even as a wee lad of 8 weeks, otis had a sense of humor.


“keep it down, please.” ~otis



“what? of course we can all fit in your lap!” ~lilly, otis, ellis



“yo!, lilly, how did you get up there?” ~otis

imagine being thin enough to fit between the window and the screen.


“i’m an important part of the process.” ~lilly

Lilly hangs out in the pocket of my hooking apron.  Her presence there is vital to the rug I’m working on.


a jigsaw puzzle of cats



“woohoo! can you do this?” ~otis

no, i can’t do that.


“are you comfortable, otis?” ~lilly



“i read that my brain needs blood flowing to it at all times. that’s why i’m in this ridiculous position.” ~otis


"can you sleep like this?"

“can you sleep like this?” ~otis

no, otis i can’t.



“can you sleep like this?” ~lilly

no, lilly, i’m afraid i can’t


“i think it’s time for a bigger bed…” ~otis



“oh my gosh, she’s looking at us!” ~otis



“i am soooo cool ~ thumbs up, dude!” ~otis



“there’s nothing better than a soft bed and a warm patch of sunshine….unless you were thinking of giving me a snack?” ~ellis



two cats under the heating pad



“i’m just keeping lilly warm.” ~ellis



“in my dreams, i am a great orchestral conductor!” ~otis



“that’s right, i am a C. A. T.” ~lilly






“can you sleep like this?” ~lilly

no, lilly, and i’m not sure i’d want to.


“i can turn the water on using mind-power!” ~lilly



“oh my gosh! it worked!” ~lilly



“let’s put our heads together… maybe we can come up with an idea or two…” ~otis and ellis



“the whole world thinks rebecca is the hooker… the truth comes out, at last!” ~otis



“don’t even think about turning the water on…” ~ellis



“finally! somewhere comfortable to lie down!” ~otis






quiet please….



“this is the life…” ~ellis
“this is
NOT the life…” ~randy



life IS good!



“i am completely comfortable…” ~otis


“don’t let anyone tell you different, life as an indoor cat is not all it’s cracked up to be….” ~otis, lilly, ellis

They’re right, of course, life as a beloved indoor cat isn’t all it’s cracked up to be…. It’s BETTER!


enjoy an ellis/lilly/otis-like day!



phm update and other simple things….

It’s time for the June update of Primitive Handmades Mercantile!  I had fun, this month, working on two Lori Brechlin designs and coming up with a few of my own.  If you’d like to visit my shop you can click here.

vintage ticking horse

vintage ticking horse

Now, I’m working on a little horse and rider make do.  I’m planning to back the horse with ticking and so I think I’ll punch the horse itself in a ticking pattern to match.



It’s been devastatingly lovely here!  Perfect temperatures for sitting outside enjoying all the wonder.  This tiny male hummingbird is fiercely protective of his favorite feeder.

What are the cats doing all this time?

ellis and otis

ellis and otis


otis and lilly

otis and lilly

and more zzzzzz……

Wishing you a sunshiny day!


words and joy…

i love words.  don’t you?  stringing them together to form Lilliputian constellations of meaning is, for me, like balancing on the head of a tiny pin; seemingly impossible, but oh! what happiness when one gets it right!

would you be willing to share some of your favorite quotes or sayings?  you would? hooray!  just leave one or more quotes in a comment and we’ll all enjoy the wealth of words!  in the meantime, here are a few of my own little favorites, and some photos that may or may not “go” with their respective quotes.  these remind me to celebrate the joy of life and language…

mom’s new kitten “kitty” aka “skippy” aka “tinkerbell” sits next to a photo of my step-father, the frame of which is about 2″ tall.

“Be obscure clearly.” ~E.B. White                                                                                               (i think i’ve got the “obscure” part down… now to work on the “clearly”.)

apothecary jars of lavender and chamomile for stuffing little pillows ~ heaven!

apothecary jars of lavender and chamomile for stuffing little pillows ~ heaven!

“I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve.” ~Jane Austen           (how true!  how many of us undermine our own happiness because we believe we are unworthy?)

“The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely.” ~Louisa May Alcott


otis in my cupboard of recycled packaging

“This planet has – or rather had – a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper, which was odd because on the whole it wasn’t the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.”
― Douglas AdamsThe Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


lilly and ellis

“real life is only one kind of life—there is also the life of the imagination.” ~E.B. White    (i’m so glad e.b. said this; it validates my own opinion of life!)


welcome home

“A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one’s neighbor — such is my idea of happiness.” ~Leo Tolstoy                                             (i couldn’t agree more ~ hurray for leo!)

wishing you your own slice of  joy today and everyday!



days go by….

otis and lilly pass the time...

otis and lilly pass the time…

Does it seem like time floats by?  One quietly drifts along watching the scenery.  Slowly one picks up speed until….

bicycle parade....

bicycle parade….

like riding a bike downhill ~ zoom!  A year, or perhaps 18, are viewed in real-time no more.  One catches glimpses of the past out of the corner of ones mind.

jenny and zach...

my sister jenny and zach…

This weekend, my sister’s son, Zach, graduated from high school.

moi, zach and my randy...

moi, zach and my randy…

I’m not sure how it transpired, but one minute Zach was all about dinosaurs and trucks, building “big towers of power” and Winnie the Pooh, the next minute he’s dipping his toe into unchartered waters ~ college, career and beyond.  Did I encounter a wrinkle in time?



When I queried, “Ellis, how can this be?  I was 26 when Zach was born and I’m still 26….”  the only response I received was a soft snore.

molly, zach, jonathon and maddie....

molly, zach, jonathon and maddie….

Next year, it’s Molly’s turn to wear the cap and gown, and, in the space of a very few years, Zach and Molly’s paternal cousins will have their time on the podium.

jenny and molly...

jenny and molly…

I see my sister with her incredible children and I am awed.  My heart swells with pride.  How difficult is it to have children, raise them, keep them and let them go?  I’ll never know, for which I am profoundly grateful, but I am even more thankful to have had the privilege of being part of such a family, to have lived vicariously through my sister’s life.  Jenny has always inspired me…always. Her children infect me with hope, and their father, Steve, exemplifies what a father, at his best, can be.

a simple house...

a simple house…

As I retreat to my simple, quiet home, I reflect on the wonder and meaning of it ALL.  I don’t suppose I’ll ever find out what it ALL means.  I may never discover why time, such a regular, regulated, drumbeat is, in actuality, an elastic band.  Do the seconds pass like heartbeats?  Steady and impassive when one is sedate and unconcerned, but speeding up to fever pitch when one is running as fast as one can simply to live in one moment?  Perhaps.  It’s not really important for me to understand time, why it ebbs and flows.

jenny, zach, molly and steve...

jenny, zach, molly and steve…

It’s only important for me to spend that time wisely and well.


Congratulations to you, Zach, and to you, Jenny, Molly and Steve!

